Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 1, Competition

Phoenix/Tucson with adoring, young Israeli day campers

Two good halves for the Phoenix/Tucson soccer teams, and two poor halves.

Game 1 v. Vancouver/Virginia Beach/Albuquerque/Metro West (with two really good Israelis as well) started well, with Gino crossing to Brett, who buried the shot into the net for a 1-0 lead. Playing on SUPER SMALL goals, unlike in American Maccabi competitions, and couldn't get one past their goalie despite great efforts from Gino, Brett, and Noah. Went into half up 1-0...
...but opponents unlocked the defense for 3 goals in the 2nd half, and Phoenix/Tucson fell 1-3.

Game 2 v. Orange County/San Diego started poorly, and Phoenix/Tucson down 0-3 at half.
HOWEVER, Gino laced one through the goalie's outstretched hands in the 1st minute of the second half, the Jacob Z beat two defenders and was 8 yards from the goal when he was fouled from behind. He fooled the goalie with a terrific penalty kicked that banged in off the post, and it was suddenly 2-3. After Aaron S made three heroic saves to keep us within a hair's breadth of tying the game, OC/SD put the insurance goal in the net with 2 minutes remaining. Last play of the game: Benji dribble up into space and put in a diagonal ball for Noah down the left wing, Noah "one-touched" a lovely cross that curled in to the far post for Brett, and Brett volleyed a hard shot perfectly toward the net...but their keeper made a diving save to push the shot wide of the post. Excellent game, terrific sportsmanship by both our squad and theirs.

Opening ceremonies after the games were epic--got back home to our nice dorms in the Golan (1 hour from the "hub" near Kvar Blum") at 1:00 a.m.!!!

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