Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 3: FANTASTIC win in quarters!

Phoenix beats the "Continental Team" of strong players from 9 US cities!
Defense led by Brett and Bryan, terrific goal keeping by Aaron, and great hustle by everyone kept it 0-0 until 6 minutes to go when the magic happened: Lorenzo passed up the sideline to Gino, who beat two defenders to the middle and ripped a left-footed shot for the game winner!

Next game: 0-0 at halftime against very strong Memphis team in the semi-finals, with Brett and Gino coming tantalizing close to scoring. We lose 0-2, but play in JERUSALEM Sunday for the bronze medal in the consolation bracket. Kids are psyched!

Heading to community service project ("Sharing and Caring") at 6:30 a.m. Friday, then to host families for two nights.....

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