Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 7: Jerusalem

Terrific day of touring in the City of Gold! First stop was Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum. Powerful learning experience for everybody. Afterward we walked up the hill to the top of Mount Herzl, where dozens of former leaders of Israel and thousands of soldiers are buried.
Next stop was a super cool tour of the Western Wall tunnels, which we thoroughly enjoyed. Afterward we emerged to the plaza of the "Kotel," the Western Wall. Many of the guys put on tefillin for the first time (courtesy of the Chabad men standing near the Wall with tefillin, prayer books, and the like), and all prayed at the Wall. After leaving the Kotel, we walked through the Jewish Quarter learning about interesting sites from our guide Lital, who gave us a well needed break for chotchkis and shwarma.
In the evening, we had a big picnic in Independence Day Park and walked back to the Old City for a laser-light show at King David's Tower. Yerushalayim Shel Zahav!

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