Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 8: The Road to Jerusalem

Day started in Latrun, a site of bitter fighting in both the war of independence and the Six Day War. The IDF (Israel Defense Force) has turned the old British prison/fort into a museum honoring the armored corps, i.e. tanks. The Ayalon Institute was the next stop: during and just after World War II, Jews manufactured bullets literally underground, under the cover of a laundry located on a kibbutz. Third up was a tremendous experience: doing actual archaelogical research digging up pottery from the time of the Maccabees (100 B.C.E., or 2,100 years ago). We discovered scores of shards, many of them rather sizable. We also did some spelunking, walking and crawling through a lengthy cave system lit by candles. In the evening, we went to "Mini-Israel," a sort of theme park in the shape of Israel with models of prominent cities and sites. Kids ate dinner there and watched a Cirque du Soleil-style show. Full day!

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